Oct 11, 2012

32-36 weeks

Above: 32 weeks. My sis Bree was hangin at our house and so I had her snag some of me and Drew. I remember this day I had the AC soo nice and cool in our house that I got to wear a sweater..because this record breaking summer of heat was killing me. So when I walked outside it was quite hard to take a few shots in a sweater! Baby was soon about to drop..little did I know that would be the most amazing and painful thing ever!

 34 weeks. This was at a reception in Sundance I was photographing. I went to the bathroom like 8 times because by now baby is VERY LOW!
36 weeks. On our way to midwife check up. He looks so high in this picture but its not true! Lies! His head is pushing down so far into my pelvic bones that I felt as if I was going into labor that day. And this non maternity shirt should never be worn again. And these pants have just about reached their limit. Too tight!

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