Jul 8, 2011

Last Summer Flash

This was taken last summer to get rid of an old water disposable camera. I think. I love to think back of our hold place and all the memories. The blue painted bedroom that we always kinda hated but didn't have the energy to paint over. I was the one that painted it blue when Drew left for a week trip to NYC with his design program, as a surprise. I knew within the first three strokes I would hate it. But towards the end of our move, we started to enjoy it! And then we moved into our Dana Point home, where we are now, the bedroom was the exact same color. No joke. Drew wanted to keep it, but I had the last say in the matter and we painted it a lighter blue. Very light, almost gray.

Anyways. We made our house a home. Those curtains, Drew's mom gave to us because our room always let in so much light and it darkened it a ton! I loved the gold & blue combo. The mirror behind Drew was a gift and surprise from Drew. He bought the whole thing from D.I. and made nice little drawer panels that you can't see.

Now I'm starting to take pictures in our new house and it's so strange. So many years of taking photos in our little place in Provo, so many assignments turned in with Drew as the subject, in our living room or kitchen. So so so so so many. I love them all.

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