Mar 12, 2010


I got back from Miami on Saturday night, and am just now getting to editing the film I took from it. I took 5 rolls, and really my only favorite shots were from the film. That's saying something. To see more double exposures I did, go here!

My bed-buddy, Amanda (in the green suit above) summarized the trip up pretty well on her blog:
"18 students, 2 professors, and three vans.
Included: 7 different professional photographers, Key West (which provided a complimentary seagull that attacked me, stole my sandwich, then bit elise in the process), late night swimming, the bachelor, shopping, the Everglades (complete with tour guide), a cockroach in the hotel bed, Duval Street, cereal, and lot of cameras."

I'll add- squealing toilet after flushing for about 4 minutes, unwashed towels the entire time, until I soaked them all in the shower so they HAD to give us new towels.  Footsie in the bed while sleeping. Norm, the tour guide,  and MARQUESA HOTEL! My new favorite. A few that were allergic to cats got to stay here. Luckily I am!!!
(that was our goal, to see alligators)

(my roomies)

{this was just a joke because of a sign that said "slow, grandparents at play" and John stood in front of it while photographing. but this is how it was when anything funny or cool came along, so we basically all have the same photographs.

Overall it was a good trip. I learned a lot from the photographers and learned that I never need to go back to Miami. Specifically South Beach. We couldn't spend time on the sand, in the sun until the last day. We traveled 3 hours to Key West and I felt like I deserved it since I was teased for so long!!

To see some photos that my bed-buddy took of me go here! It's nice to have professional images of yourself, you know?


Topsy and Havoc said...

elise! trip looked like it was fun. you look so pretty in any and all pictures taken of you.
i am sooo flattered that you don't trust anyone but me to cut your hair! i love that you said that. wish i could be there all the time to do the job. miss you.

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