Apr 16, 2009

The Color Festivities

We were on top of our boy's shoulders at the time of this photograph.  :)

Compare it to LAST YEAR! (see below)

We decided to go to the Hare Krishna festival this year in Spanish Fork. We had a blast and ate more chalk than last year for sure. We went with John & Laura & Audrey, and met up with Andrew and Natalie Koch, and Erin Roche. We basically just went to get splashed on, and left. Then we hurried home and showered and went out to dinner with Andrew & Natalie. We decided to get good mexican food, and we recommended a place we had been before.. La Casita Mexican Restaurant. It seriously is so good. Then we came home and rented a movie, Son of Rambow, which I watched the next morning because silly me, I fell asleep in the first 10 minutes..(it was a long day, okay?!)

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