Mar 7, 2010

Drew's 24th Birthday

A little over 5 months late, but my dear sister-in-law Kim just sent me these tonight and I thought, what the heck, I'll put em up. We don't own a point & shoot, so I monopolized over it that night. Drew & Jake's birthday is only like 10 days apart or something so we decided we should do a combined party, but it was Kim's idea to do a reversed suprise party. What is that you ask? Drew & Jake knew every detail about it, and even who to invite, and they are there from the beginning. We have the lights off, then people knock to come in, thinking they are there before the birthday boys, but we surprise them! It was such a blast and got different reactions from each individual. So fun!! And Kim made the best coconut white cake. Yum!!! So basically, she did everything. We just had it at our place. Oh and I made my mom's delicious taco soup. I never could have imagined the number of people that could fit into our humble abode. It was so fun though and can't wait for this year's reverse surprise party.