Dec 31, 2008


We're just sitting here.. about to leave to our New Years Eve party with family and friends... and I'm thinking of major events that took place, that had an affect on me... in 2008. They aren't in order and some of the dates MAY be off. 

Married for all time and eternity..HELLO... epic event right? (August 2)
Baby Jade was born (March 17th)
Confessed my love for Drew (March 17th)
Melissa has moved to Utah (December 28th)
First Christmas with Drew (December 25th)
Engaged (May 20th)
YES on Prop 8 
Obama's victory - drew's favorite.
Tyler Carlston's accident (September)
Kimmy & Heather's Engagements

1 comment:

Melly Mel said...

you're so sweet to add me in there. Shouldn't drew's favorite moment be something with you involved?