Sep 22, 2010

Utah State Fair 2010

Our new friend Cody's dad works for the fair every year, so he gave us free tix! It was so fun going on a week day when it wasn't crowded. It wasn't too hot or too cold, just perfect with perfect people to be with. Drew was the photographer this night, PHEW! Even though I still brought my film camera. He is in an intro to photography class so most of these images were done for an assignment due the next day (short & long depth of field, slow shutter & stop motion). It's fun because he's taking the class from one of my {favorite} professors, Paul, and he actually asks me if we can go shoot! The last image made his night. The man was talking to us about the square dancing (as did 6 other people) and then all of the sudden, notices Drew photographing him, then turns and gives us that look. It really took a mili second before he looked away. It was too good.

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